One feature of the Internet is that websites are constantly developing, at least the popular ones are. I recently had call to help someone having trouble with Craigslist and it made me notice a feature that wasn’t there last time I used it, or I didn’t know it was there.
The listing pages now have buttons to see items in different types of views:
Try each one to see what it offers. Different methods are appropriate for different needs. The map view was what I found most useful for Garage Sales:
Today I just wanted to go for a bike ride and this map made it possible to see the listed sales along my route. Great feature! The only thing better would be for it to be available for my Android phone… and it is!
The default (top listed) Craigslist program turned out to not be the best for these views. But listed further down was this:
So now I could view where sales were as I road my bike to them. Life with technology is great!