Whether you can get to the Aquilla & Priscilla’s cafe tonight or not I will host an online meeting using DimDim.com’s conferencing service.
I would rather be with you at the cafe tonight but I am down with a back injury so I need o stay horizontal tonight. I still invite you to go enjoy the tasty refreshments at the Cafe, make me jealous, but whether you go or not open your browser to DimDim’s site at 5:30pm (pacific) and we’ll get together anyway.
Tonight I’m going to try the use of my microphone and have the feature turned on for anyone else with one. I believe it will require a push to talk button be used to speak so maybe we can talk in turn and actually be understood.
When you are at the DimDim site hit “Join a Meeting” and use my email address for meeting ID, motorbelly@gmail.com
I have made this an open meeting so you won’t need a password but give yourself an ID that will help us know who you are.
See you there! -=Larry=-