Dropbox – Home – Secure backup, sync and sharing made easy.
I’ve been missing our meetings while laying on my back recovering and one thing I found that made my time alone useful was this program , Dropbox.
This is a file sharing program that will install on Windows, Mac, or Linux operating systems. Then by logging into the service with the program each computer has a file directory where files may be accessed and synced.
For me this made it possible for me to access files on my desktop while using my laptop where I lay. In my case I used it with UltraVNC and could move files on the desktop also from my laptop.
I haven’t begun to use the other features, sub directories in the Dropbox may be shared with other Dropbox accounts recognized by their email addresses. Also they may be made public.
While I have tried many services of this genre, Adrive offering 50 gigs free, Google Docs with one gig, or Google Picasa with a gig for pictures, Box.net offers 1 gig, Mozy.com offers 2 gigs of backup space. But no other service works on all operation systems and offers syncing, sharing and storage combined.
Click the link at the start of this article to try it out.